Man Arrested For Stealing A Human Leg From A Train Accident And Eating It

We have become accustomed to hearing unusual news. It seems like the stranger something is, the more popular of a new story it is but sometimes, things take a turn that makes us really wonder how it could have happened.

This recently took place in California when a 27-year-old man was arrested. Apparently, he had been on site when a man was hit by a train. He picked up the leg of the man and took it away from the scene.

Oh yeah, he also ate the leg.

Resendo Tellez was arrested for this unusual crime on March 22. It started when a train at the local Amtrak station struck a pedestrian. That person died when they were hit by the train but the victim’s identity is being withheld.

When the crash occurred, the leg of the pedestrian was severed. That is when the accused picked up the leg and removed it from the scene. Essentially, he removed evidence from a scene with an active investigation.

A crew of workers who were laying concrete near the station were eyewitnesses to the event. According to one of those workers: “I’m not sure from where, but he walked this way and he was waving a person’s leg.”

He then continued to walk with the leg and started chewing on it. The worker said: “He was biting it and he was hitting it against the wall and everything. On the leg, the skin was hanging. You could see the bone.”

The worker thought that the man was likely homeless. Footage of what took place has been circulating on social media, showing that he was holding the leg and waving it around or crouching over it. You can then hear someone saying on the camera that he was eating the leg.

Workers at the Amtrak station were alerted to the issue and police tracked the man down. They then placed him under arrest without further incident. He was taken into custody for removing evidence from a scene and for a number of outstanding warrants.

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