Old Movie Stars Travel Forward In Time To Dance To Uptown Funk In This Wild Viral Video

When you look back over the time of the Golden Age of cinema, it’s difficult not to recognize how much they brought to our lives. This wasn’t only true of the acting, but it was true of the music and the dancing.

Dancing is something that hasn’t changed over the years, but it is still interesting to look back and see how it was done 40, 50, or more years ago. It is also interesting when somebody puts the old with the new, and that’s what happened in this unique video.

In the video, the old dancers from the movies, including Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, and more are put together with the modern music, Uptown Funk. It’s the perfect mashup and it is done perfectly, from the timing to the splits from one scene to another.

In fact, you might have a difficult time believing that they weren’t actually dancing to Uptown Funk when they did the original dance. Considering the fact that some of these clips are from the 1940s and Uptown Funk is a new song, it’s got to be the case.

For now, we would like to share with you this genuinely enjoyable matchup. Watch it and tell me that it’s not easy to keep from dancing.

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