Man Reveals His True Identity On Facebook After A Rude Woman Calls Him A ‘Dirty Biker’

Most people feel that the world is getting more and more inclusive and that judging doesn’t take place very often. Although there may be some circles where judging is a thing of the past, it still happens quite frequently when you look at what is actually taking place online and in the world around us. All too often, people tend to judge us and others for what they see on the outside and they don’t take the time to get to know the true person on the inside. One man who is familiar with this is Luc Perreault.

Luc is a loving father that takes care of his children. He also has a lot of tattoos, enjoys riding his motorcycle and loves to drink beer. He is perhaps the person that stands out in a crowd as being somebody who would be stereotyped before anyone else. He even admits that he looks like the type of guy that would just do something horrible if you look at him the wrong way, and that doesn’t help his cause much. In 2013, however, Luc was out riding a motorcycle as a test drive for his mother and wanted to take a break.

He was in Canada and stopped at Tim Horton’s restaurant but when he pulled into the parking lot, a little girl began to stare at him. She was with her mother and she wasn’t at all intimidated by his large size or the way that he looked. The little girl just wanted to say hello so she smiled and said it.

The biker said hello back to the little girl but the exchange was short-lived. The mother grabbed her girl by the hand and Luc heard her exclaim as they walked away, “We don’t talk to dirty bikers”

Luc was understandably upset by what the mother told the daughter and the fact that she had judged him before she even got to know him. That is when he decided to go on Facebook to write an open letter that has since gone viral. As a father and a biker, the following open letter was posted to his Facebook page.

“To the family in the red SUV at Tim Horton’s today…”

“Yes I am a big 280 lbs. guy with motorcycles and full of tattoos. I am a welder, I am loud, I drink beer, I swear, and I look like I would eat your soul if you stare at me wrong.”

“What you don’t know is that I have been happily married for 11 years, my kids call me daddy, I am a college graduate…

“My mother is proud of me and tells everyone how lucky she is to have such a wonderful son, my nieces and nephews are always happy to see there m’noncl Luc…

“When my daughter broke her arm, I cried more than she did.”

“I read books, I help people, I go out of my way to thank war veterans and I even cried at Armageddon…”

“So next time I smile and say hi to your little girl and you grab her and tell her, ‘No no dear, we don’t talk to dirty bikers…’”

“Remember that even tho you hurt my feelings, this ‘dirty biker’ would be the first person to run into your burning house to save your little girls goldfish so she wouldn’t be sad!

“- L.P.”

Source: Little Things

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