Why Your Garden Could Kill You

Gardening is one of the most popular pastimes and it is something that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It allows them to get closer to the earth and to relax as they do something they love.

Despite the fact that it is a very relaxing and enjoyable part of our lives, there can also be dangers that must be considered. One young father, Steve Palmer, is now all too familiar with those dangers and he leaves us a reminder that we would all do well to follow.

When you are working in the garden, you may be working in a relatively innocent part of the home but it’s also important to do it with the right equipment. This would include the proper personal protective equipment, such as a good pair of gloves.

When you wear gloves while gardening, you are keeping your hands clean. You are also protecting them from dangers and as you are about to see, those dangers may be greater than you realize.

One day when Steve finished working in the garden, he noticed that he had a small scratch on his hand. He didn’t think much of it but when he woke up in the morning, he couldn’t move his fingers and he had a fever.

Things continued to get worse until the numbness had spread to his arm and he was in excruciating pain. His family called an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital, where he was given a frightening diagnosis.

Steve had contracted Necrotizing fasciitis, which is a condition known more often as flesh-eating disease. The bacteria that got into that tiny scratch while gardening had taken root and his arm was rotting away.

He had to go through four different surgeries to remove the infection that was spreading through his arm. This also required reconstruction of the area, and a skin graft from his thigh was used.

In the end, Steve lived but he had lost the feeling in his right hand because the nerves were damaged. When talking about the experience, he emphasized how important it is to work carefully while gardening and clean any scratches, even if they are small.

It may seem like a simple suggestion, but it is one that can really make a difference and could keep you from possible harm.

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