Kevin Costner Struggles To Keep His Composure As His Son Hayes Discusses Filming ‘Horizon’

Kevin Costner is known for the movies he has played in and he has entertained us for many years. When he was recently at the premiere of Horizon, however, he was almost brought to tears.

This wasn’t necessarily because of the movie itself, it was because of the star of the show. When Kevin Costner directed the first installment of the Civil War trilogy, his son was one of the stars of the show.

His son, Hayes stars as Nathaniel Kittredge in the movie and it has been a great opportunity for him. He also says that the acting debut experience has been overwhelmingly positive and it has a lot to do with his father.

Hayes spoke with an online outlet to talk about the experience he had when filming with his famous father. “It was so fun.

“Just working with my dad. I loved it. He just taught me everything, and he was there directing by my side, and it was just amazing to watch him direct because I’ve never seen it before. I’ve only seen him act before.”

When Kevin Costner heard those words, you could tell that he was holding back the tears. It was a beautiful exchange between father and son and we were proud that we were there to hear it.

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