2-Yr-Old Boy Shares Near-Death Experience After Almost Drowning

We sometimes hear about fantastic tales of life after death when people have a near-death experience. And despite the fact that they didn’t actually die, they sometimes have stories that fascinate people who are grasping to understand anything about what happens after we die.

Max McKee is one of those individuals who had a near-fatal experience and came back with the story. The difference between his story and many others is the fact that he is only two years old.

It occurred in an accident that involved him falling into the family swimming pool. The family discovered him when he was at the bottom of the pool and he had been there for a considerable amount of time.

His mother, Courtney, lives in Louisiana with her family and is a registered nurse. Max and his older brother, Brody, had been dropped off at her mother’s house for a few days while she was working at the hospital.

That is when she received a phone call that was unbelievable. Courtney’s mother and sister-in-law were playing in the swimming pool with Max, Brody, and one of the cousins. After the pool time was over, they took off his floaties and moved to the next activity.

Unfortunately, Max went back to the pool and fell in.

“I think he returned to the pool to get some water and a small bucket to play with, they’re not really sure,” Courtney explained. “When he leaned over to get the water, that’s when he might have fell in.”

Call it what you will, but accidents do happen and despite our best efforts, we can’t always account for everyone in our lives during every moment. It was a terrible experience, but there was a silver lining to the tragedy.

After Max was discovered face down at the bottom of the pool, he was pulled out and was unresponsive. They began CPR and called emergency services immediately while his older brother was praying for his brother’s life.

“The only thing I could do was pray,” Brody said. “So, I dropped on my knees and I said, ‘God, can you help my little brother? Can you just save him? Can you put your guardian angels around him, Lord?’”

When Courtney received the phone call she began trying right away and her coworkers surrounded her. One of them even had the phone and began speaking for her because she couldn’t speak on her own.

After Max was revived and taken to the hospital, they weren’t sure if he would make it or if he had caused significant damage from being underwater for so long.

The next morning, they started to see signs that Max was doing better and he was turning back to himself again. They said that he was agitated because of the cords and wires but he was communicating and they knew he would be okay.

A few days later, Courtney told his mother what had happened. He said: “When I was in the pool, I wasn’t scared… When I was in the pool, Jesus held me.”

“Then he asked us, ‘Why does He have booboos and scratches on His hands?”

Courtney was stunned with what he said and asked him to repeat it so she was sure she heard it right.

Max is six now and he still has the memory of what happened when he was in the pool. Of course, there is no guaranteeing what goes through a person’s mind when they enter that near-death state, but it is something that has helped one family to have faith in the unknown.

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