Sad News From A Beloved Hallmark Actor

Many people enjoy watching Hallmark movies and it seems as if we see many of the same actors playing in those movies over and over again. Unfortunately, one of the staples in those movies is taking a break.

Actor Ryan Paevey has been playing in those movies for the past few years and we were hoping to get to see him again. Unfortunately, he revealed that he was not being asked to act in any upcoming movies, which was disappointing to him.

Fans became concerned because of the way he responded so he went to Instagram in order to clarify what his life was like this year. He also wanted his fans to know what they could expect in the future and that included the fact that he wouldn’t be acting in the foreseeable future.

This statement was started by sharing how he was annoyed that he had to make the statement in the first place. He said: “First and foremost, I am a bit apprehensive that I even have to make a statement like this. I am certainly accustomed to a certain degree of gossip, but the past few weeks in particular have gotten out of control with speculation from third parties that have taken my words and expanded upon them to meet their narrative, or flat out misrepresented my words or misconstrued their meaning.”

He then said that he was stepping away from acting, making the statement: “The industry hasn’t felt like the place for me in quite some time now, and my mental health has suffered from it. It’s taken me to a bit of a dark place, made me into a version of myself I don’t like very much.”

He went on to speak about some of the things that had happened in his life, including bank accounts being hacked, money embezzled, and investments stolen. He admits that they are possible to recover from but then when his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, he left Los Angeles to be by her side. He wanted to devote more of his time to her.

You can see that he has gone through a lot and he wanted to end the statement on a positive note. He shared that not everything was bad in his life and that he was grateful for the industry taking him on a long adventure that he could have never imagined.

He also said that he was shifting focus to make his family a priority. We will miss having him in our entertainment lives.

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