Generations of Love and Strength

A heartwarming family photo captures six generations of remarkable women, each holding the precious bond of motherhood. At the center of it all is MaeDell Hawkins, a spirited 98-year-old great-great-great-grandmother, who has spent a lifetime cradling countless babies in her loving arms.

Last month, MaeDell was photographed tenderly cuddling her newest addition to the family, little Zhavia, who arrived in December. Gracie Howell, MaeDell’s 58-year-old granddaughter, is filled with joy seeing all the women – from the youngest baby to her incredible great-great-great-grandmother – come together in this stunning shot.

The photograph serves as a testament to the enduring strength of motherhood, showcasing an unbroken chain of women passing down their love, wisdom, and life experiences to each new generation. Gracie fondly remembers her grandmother, who will be celebrating her 99th birthday in July, as someone who is always cognitively sharp and ready to share her expert advice on child care.

Even now, residing in a nursing home, MaeDell’s connection with Zhavia remains strong. During a recent visit, when the little one grew restless, MaeDell skillfully plucked her from her mother’s embrace and playfully tickled her tiny feet. Gracie cherishes this precious memory of her grandmother’s nurturing touch and the beautiful moments they share.

What started as a simple act of sharing a photo of MaeDell and Zhavia with a local meteorologist turned into an unexpected wave of attention. Gracie was overwhelmed by the overwhelmingly positive response that followed. This newfound notoriety is well-deserved for MaeDell, reminding us that age is just a number and should never determine a person’s worth.

MaeDell is a living embodiment of resilience, joy, and wisdom. She has never let life’s challenges dampen her spirit. At the age of 16, she married her first husband, who was in his fifties and worked as a train worker, often away from home. Together, they had 13 children and raised his ten children from a previous marriage. MaeDell’s life was far from easy, lacking modern conveniences like a washing machine, dishwasher, or even running water. Gracie vividly recalls her grandma’s experiences of not having access to running water during her teenage years.

Nevertheless, MaeDell always stayed strong and carried on silently, never complaining about her circumstances. Despite the hardships, she made sure her family had enough to eat and clean clothes to wear. Her unwavering resilience and determination are an inspiration to those around her, teaching us that even in the most trying situations, joy can be found.

As the family grew over time, MaeDell proudly says, “We have a large and loving family.” Despite outliving multiple spouses and most of her stepchildren, MaeDell’s journey has been one of substance and meaning, filled with countless cherished moments and loved ones.

Gracie expresses her deep admiration for her grandmother, proclaiming, “I simply adore her.” MaeDell’s life story is a testament to the power of love and the strength that resides within each of us, regardless of age.

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