People Are Begging Mother To Stop Sharing Photos Of Her Baby Online

People around the world want to share pictures of their babies on the Internet. They will take multiple pictures of the young one and post them on social media so that their friends and family can follow along.

This is something that happens every day many times, but there are times when it may meet a roadblock. That is what happened to one mother named Natosha, who was to share pictures of her baby on social media as well.

Natosha will often share pictures of her one-year-old son Raedyn, just like many other mothers will do. The problem is, that she gets a lot of pushback, haters, and bullying because of the way that her son looks.

This sometimes happens when she uploads videos on TikTok of herself and her son. When she does, she sometimes receives hundreds of comments and many of them will ask her to stop uploading pictures or videos of the child.

Natosha has something to say to those who express those feelings. She says: “I will not stop… just because he looks different doesn’t mean that he is any less – he is perfect.”

This doesn’t stop people from asking what’s wrong with her child or why the child looks like he does.

Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, which causes deformities in the face, skull, and limbs. Natosha doesn’t see the differences in the way that her son looks, she feels that he is perfect and is not about to stop posting pictures.

Many people ask her what quality of life you will have or why she would make him live like that.

This isn’t only something that happens online, people come up to her in the real world and ask her rude questions as well. Because of those questions, she sometimes finds it difficult to go out in public.

She says: “He lives a life like every other child… does he look different? Absolutely – but that doesn’t make him any less.

“He deserves life, he deserves acceptance – I will fight until my dying day for that.”

She also said that people need to understand she’s just a mother and her son is just a baby. They don’t consider his diagnosis to be the defining quality of their lives. She said:

“We are just a normal family. I pray for the world to accept disabled people one day and not judge off of their appearance and the things they cannot do.”

We hope that Natasha and her son continue to enjoy life and get all that they can out of it.

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