Homeless Woman Uses Dating Apps To Stay At Different Men’s Homes Every Night

Most people recognize how difficult it can be to make ends meet. We have a lot of little bills that really add up during the month and then we have our big bill, housing. Sometimes, we may even wonder if we will have a place to sleep.

Sometimes, it pays to be creative when it comes to having appropriate housing. Creativity is what one woman in Australia decided to take advantage of, and the 25-year-old is staying in different men’s homes every night after becoming homeless.

Emily Webb is living on the Gold Coast of Australia in her car after becoming homeless. She has money but is finding it difficult to get an appropriate rental apartment.

In the meantime, Emily is sleeping on friend’s sofas but she also doesn’t want to be a burden, so she uses a dating app to find places to stay the night with different men.

Despite the fact that she has an OnlyFans account and 150,000 followers on Instagram, she still struggles to find a place to live. She has approximately $660 set aside every week for her housing budget and has even offered to pay rent a year in advance, but it isn’t working.

Despite all of that, she isn’t concerned because she found a way to use the dating app Hinge to find men where she can crash at their flat for a few days.


She even expressed in a video that she couldn’t believe she had been wasting her money on rent all this time. She said “If you’re hot, don’t ever pay rent.”

She says that she goes on dating apps to find different guys where she can stay at their place and it is going well. She doesn’t usually tell them because she doesn’t want to put pressure on them.

She also doesn’t tell them that she is homeless because she doesn’t think she looks homeless. Despite the fact that she doesn’t want to be a burden to friends, she doesn’t mind being a burden to random men.

This also allowed her to save money while she was not paying rent. She says that is good not to pay rent because she saving so much and she is using her ‘pretty privilege’ to her advantage.

She admits that the stays only last a few nights and then they break up with her because they realize she is using them. She also says that she isn’t stressed because she feels that she could have a rental any day.

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