Clever Revenge of Wife Toward Her Cheating Husband

Ben and Anne had been married for 37 years when Ben decided to leave Anne for his much younger secretary. He secured the house in the divorce settlement, forcing Anne to find a new place to live. Heartbroken but determined, Anne devised a brilliant plan for clever revenge.

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Before leaving, Anne meticulously packed her belongings but made a stop in every room to place shrimp in the hollow parts of the curtain rods. She then, moved out, leaving Ben and his new partner to enjoy their ill-gotten home. Little did they know about her clever revenge!

Clever Revenge
Photo by Tycho Atsma on Unsplash

Within days, a mysterious and foul odor began to permeate the house. Ben and his girlfriend scrubbed every surface, washed every fabric, and even hired pest control experts, but nothing worked. The stench was unbearable and seemed to intensify with time.

Clever Revenge

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