She Struggled With Dyslexia But Today She Is A Famous Singer

Many people struggle with challenges from the time they are little children. This includes some who go on to do great things.

An example of this is a little girl who had a lot of challenges when she was a child. Despite the fact that she had serious struggles, she ended up being one of the best known singers in the world. She is also the mother of two and is 77 years old.

Born in 1946 in California, she had a mother who was an actor and singer. She was also married six different times, but she managed to raise the little girl and her half-sister as a single mother for the most part.

Her father was an American Armenian who was a truck driver. Although she knew who her father was, she didn’t meet him until she was 11. She knew that he had a criminal past but considered him to be a charming individual.

As she got older, she realized that she wanted to perform for others. At the age of 16, she quit high school and moved to Hollywood and that is where she met the man who would become her husband, Salvatori Bono.

As you probably figured out by now, we are discussing Cher. She and her husband, Sonny, became very famous and even had their own television show and comedy act. They also released a song that is still well-known down to this day, I Got You Babe.

As she became more and more famous, they eventually grew apart. As they made the money, Sonny would take 95% of it and the rest would go to lawyers. Eventually, they were divorced in 1975.

Not only were they a popular team, she became a solo artist during the 1960s and 1970s. This included the song, Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves. It was a number one hit and one of the top songs of her career.

Other songs that she became well-known for included The Way of Love and Halfbreed.

Along with her popularity singing, she also became a well-known actress. She even won an Oscar for her role in the comedy, Moonstruck. During that time she still continued to focus on her music and won a Grammy for Best Dance Recording.

Amazingly, she has sold over 100 million records over her career. She has won an Academy award, Emmy award, three Golden Globe awards, a Billboard Icon award, and more.

When she turned 77, she continued to look good. She said that it is due to genetics and she also said that she would continue to wear blue jeans and keep her hair long, even when she was in her 80s.

We wish for many more years of life and success.

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