Understanding The Importance Of A Bag Of Used Clothing

When it comes to marriage, we realize that there is some give-and-take. It takes place in any marriage, and sometimes we just need to look beyond the things that our significant other says.

Then again, there are also opportunities to get in a real zinger and that is what this husband had the opportunity to do. His wife said something and although she was well-intentioned, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t have a comeback that would get us all laughing.

Of course, we realize that this is just a joke but it is one that holds a lot of truths for those of us who are married. Quite simply, it’s better to laugh because laughter is the best medicine.

Wife: I have a bag full of used clothing I’d like to give away.

Husband: Why not just throw it in the trash? That’s much easier.

Wife: But there are poor, starving people who can really use all these clothes.

Husband: Honey, anyone who fits into your clothing is not starving…😀

And that’s when the fight started…

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