Rescued Puppy Looks Like A Big Ball Of Mud

Our hearts really go out to the little animals that aren’t able to care for themselves. We realize that there are going to be times when difficulties occur for those critters, so we do what we can to help.

Recently, there was a little animal found on a construction site in London. When the crew that was working that day found the animal, they didn’t know what they were seeing, but they knew that he needed some help.

The little animal was stuck at the bottom of a hole and by the time they pulled him out, he was covered from head to toe with mud. He also had bits of plastic wrapped around him, and they were trying to figure out exactly what type of animal he was.

That is when they got in touch with the Essex Wildlife Hospital. Rescuers were there quickly to help save the animal, and they began working feverishly to free him from his muddy enclosure.

It took a few hours for the veterinary staff to get the pup cleaned up and after being scrubbed, they realized what they were dealing with. It wasn’t a little puppy that they had saved, it was a baby fox!

They decided to name the fox Muddsey, which is appropriate considering the shape he was in when they first found him. They were also thankful to the construction crew for saving the little animal.

The animal hospital admitted that it would’ve been a very difficult death if the animal had not been found. He was cold and in shock but now he is fine and they had felt so sorry for him because he was caked with so much mud.

It’s amazing when people work together for the greater good. I would say this one qualifies.

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