Their Ceremony Was Interrupted And The Bride Bursts Into Tears

One of the most important days in the life of many men and women is the day that they get married. It is a solemn occasion that marks the beginning of your life together with your significant other. In fact, many brides and grooms will plan the wedding for months, just to make sure everything goes right.

Of course, it doesn’t matter how much you plan, there is always something that is going to take you by surprise. Sometimes, it is something that has gone wrong and at other times, it is something that has gone right. For the bride in this wedding, everything was just perfect about her special day. In fact, she ended up getting the surprise of her life.

As she and her husband to be stood at the alter, a song was being sung. Before she knew it, there was more singing coming from the audience as one person after another got up to join in. It was a wedding flash mob and when you see it, you will have the biggest smile on your face.

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