Woman Wants To Form A Bond With Her Boyfriend So She Quits Her Job To Breastfeed Him Every 2 Hours

We live in a world that is constantly changing and I think most of us would agree that we have seen our fair share of unusual things occurring on an almost ongoing basis. Perhaps we might think about the pandemic and how it has changed the lives of millions, if not billions of people indefinitely. We might also think about some of the natural disasters that have occurred in recent years and how they have changed our landscape as well as the way we live our lives. The following story also will put a spin on something that will change your life as well, and it’s nothing like what you would’ve expected.

It involves a woman by the name of Jennifer Mulson who quit her job to be with her boyfriend, Brad Leeson. That may not be all that unusual, but it is the reason why she quit her job that is raising eyebrows. You see, she wanted to establish an adult breastfeeding relationship (ABR) with Brad after she craved that type of bond that it could bring between two people. She had been prepared for it for a while because she gave birth two decades ago, but being in an Adult Breastfeeding Relationship (ABR) was going to require a little extra work.


According to the New York Post, she had to ‘dry feed’ her boyfriend every two hours to begin producing milk again. She read about ABR and wanted to try it for herself. She said: “When I read about the bond breastfeeding could create between two people, I was envious. I have always enjoyed my breasts being touched during sex more than anything else, so I knew I would enjoy it.”

“I used dating sites, put messages on ABR forums, and even put an advert on Craigslist, but I drew a blank. I started to think I’d never get to try adult breastfeeding.”

As it turns out, her old boyfriend from school, Brad, was all too happy to join her in the process.


“I thought it was the perfect time to bring up adult breastfeeding — and see if he’d be interested,” said Jennifer. She didn’t have to wait long for a reply as Leeson was immediately open to the idea. “It was like a light switch flicked in his head. I could tell from his voice that he was curious and excited.”

She said that they both wanted the same thing out of the relationship, a bond that breast-feeding could achieve.


It has taken some time for it to begin working. She said: “I’ve taken a break from my job because I want to devote everything to making this work,” she said. They would set alarms to remind them to feed or she would simply pump or use her hands. Nights were the most difficult time.


I’ve heard some unusual things in 2020, but this seems to have turned a corner I never thought that we would turn.


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