Woody Harrelson Has Seen The Internet Baby That Looks Like Him And He Has Something To Say

Pictures may go viral for many different reasons. One picture that has circulated many times online is a comparison between a young baby and Woody Harrelson.

Dani Grier Mulvenna and podcaster Kit Grier Mulvenna are the proud parents of a little girl who went viral him 2022. Their daughter, Cora, had the biggest smile but it wasn’t her smile that caught everyone’s attention, it’s how much the baby looked like Woody Harrelson.

As the picture continued to spread online like wildfire, it grabbed the attention of many people. This included Woody Harrelson himself and even though she didn’t spell his name right in the original tweet, he ended up seeing the picture.

It’s little wonder that he found the picture online because many news outlets had picked up the story and shared it. Before long, he was sending a reply.

The picture of Harrelson is from his Zombieland movie. He exchanged messages on the social media post, and she let him know that he made their day. She’s now looking forward to her daughter being old enough to appreciate it.

She also shared a follow-up picture to let people know that her daughter does not always look like Woody Harrelson.

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