Whoopi Has Left The Building

Whoopi Goldberg has been an interesting part of The View for a number of years. Not only does she have an opinion on many subjects, there are also times when she does the unexpected.

One of the things that she is known for is exiting the stage in a dramatic fashion when something difficult comes up. It seems as if she did it again, and it is thanks to an advice column review that has people talking.

In discussing the advice column, they talked about someone with a foot fetish. It seems as if their significant other stopped allowing foot massages after it was revealed.

Things were going along in an amusing way but then Alyssa Griffin said: “You have to entertain your partner’s kink, within reason.” Apparently, that was as much as Whoopi Goldberg could take because the 68-year-old suddenly stood up and exited the stage.

As she walked off, she exclaimed “Excuse me for a second.” As she continued to exit, she told them to keep talking.

Griffin took note of the fact that her partner had exited and said: “Whoopi has left the building.” As you can imagine, Joy Behar questioned her about it and Whoopi said that she needed to take a breath and pull herself together. She then went on to mention that she had huge feet.

These quick exits are something that Goldberg has become known for. We’ll have to wait to see how things go the next time.

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