Doja Cat Goes Off On Parents Bringing Kids To Her Shows And The Internet Can’t Handle It

We sometimes hear from celebrities and the fact that they have certain requirements when it comes to their concerts. Perhaps they don’t like people recording or taking their pictures at the concert, even though that is almost impossible to regulate.

Doja Cat also has some regulations, but she decided to post them online and she offended a lot of people in the process. The 28-year-old rapper went on social media to let people know she was irritated because parents were bringing their children to her shows.

She then posted on social media a few times, completely littered with foul language, and said that her music was not intended for youngsters.

For example, she said that it wasn’t made for kids and you should be leaving the kids at home.


Nobody knows if she was focusing on one particular person or if she was talking to all of her fans.

In another post, she was clear about not bringing children to the show but she also ended up calling them a mistake.


If you’ve never seen one of her shows before, it certainly isn’t family-friendly and I would not want to take my young children. Some people have even written complaints after taking their children to her shows in the past.


The rapper claims that she doesn’t hate her fans, in fact she said: “One thing I do wanna set straight is: You’ll never see a direct quote of me saying I hate my fans. Not once.”

She also says that she doesn’t have to explain her sense of humor to anyone. In her terms, she wasn’t going to make everyone happy and there was nothing she could do about it.

There are many people who spoke about the issue and left their comments for the world to see.




Others had some jokes to say.


In the end, everybody had an opinion they wanted to share.


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