They Told Her To Abort The Baby But Mom Knew Better

Preparing for the arrival of a baby is one of the most exciting times in the life of an adult. Many women anticipate this day with great excitement, and Olesia felt very similar.

Unfortunately, the big day was crushed by news from the doctors. They told the pregnant woman that her baby may require some type of special care for life. They were even telling her to give the baby up for adoption because it would be a big commitment.

Olesia was told about the difficulty she would face raising a child with a disability. There would be a constant need for attention, medication, and a lot of heartache to go along with it.

Even though the doctor’s words weighed heavy on her, she spoke with her husband and they decided to keep the baby. They told the doctor that the baby would be provided with everything it needed and they signed the papers before leaving the doctor’s office.

It was a long nine months as they waited for the baby to be born. They tried to stay positive but it was difficult at times. They decided to focus on preparing the room for the arrival.

In the end, it was determined that Olesia had a uterine fibroid. It was the fibroid that caused the ultrasound anomaly. After going through surgery successfully, it was all behind her and the baby girl arrived. She was absolutely perfect.

The joy that she and her husband felt is beyond words. It can be difficult to make the right decision in life but with the support beside us, we can accomplish great things.

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