Officials Are Fuming After Motorist Fills Pothole With Concrete

There are certain areas of the world where the streets are taken care of on a regular basis. That isn’t the truth in Cornwall, England, and if you happen to drive in that area, you are likely to come across a pothole or two.

It would seem like an easy matter to simply fill in the potholes when they appear but that isn’t always the case. Somebody decided to take matters into their own hands, however, and they took some concrete and filled a giant pothole that existed in the middle of a road.

Now, that unnamed individual is perhaps in a little bit of hot water. The police along with the Public Works Department would like to have a word with him because they don’t appreciate what he did in filling in the pothole.

The road with a pothole, which was at the top of Bodmin Hill in Lostwithiel had been closed since the beginning of April. There was an ongoing argument about the lack of drainage and how the surface of the road had deteriorated.

The government had done something in quite some time so the anonymous individual filled the home with concrete at the beginning of May. It worked for a while and they even reopen the road, but they ended up closing it again because the team hadn’t had the opportunity to do any additional work.

The Chiefs of Cornwall Highways are now looking for the person who filled the pothole. They said that it had been done by somebody who was not authorized and they had removed the signs without consent.

One of the managers mentioned: “If information regarding who carried out the works becomes known in the community, I would be grateful if details could be shared.”

They went on to say: “The latest is that the road has been closed again and will remain closed until it is ‘properly’ repaired by Cormac, but they say this could be weeks away as all available teams have been diverted to filling smaller potholes on roads which are still open. Over the past two years, the Conservatives running Cornwall Council have cut the budget for road resurfacing and proactive maintenance. As a result of this short-sighted decision, potholes are now appearing across Cornwall faster than Cormac can fill them in.”

We will just have to see where this lands.

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