Mom Delivers Pandemic Quadruplets: Look At Them Now

When we are expecting a child, one of the most exciting times is when we have an ultrasound. We get to learn a lot about ourselves and the little infant growing inside of us at that time.

Imagine if you were having an ultrasound done and the doctor looked over at you with a strange look on her face. It would be a little unnerving, to say the least, But It Is exactly what Jenny Marr experienced when she had her first ultrasound.

Jenny was about to be told something by her doctor, Dr. Lauren Murray that would change her view of life from that point forward. It would have a profound impact on both her and her partner, as well as the rest of the family.


As they were looking at the screen, they were told that things were not going to turn out exactly as they had planned. It was shocking, to say the least, especially considering the difficulties they had.

When Jenny and Chris, her partner, tried to have children, they were struggling to do so. They had tried for a few months and when she got pregnant, they were all prepared to go in for their ultrasound.

She then realized she was having more than one baby.

“I was like, ‘Oh no, there’s no heartbeat.’ And, she’s like, ‘No, there is a heartbeat.’ She goes, ‘Y’all, there’s three babies in there.’ And we were just absolutely floored

A week later, they went to see a specialist about their unique situation. It was a follow-up appointment and the technician doing the ultrasound gave them a strange look.

They were wondering what was going on, and the technician said that she wasn’t supposed to say it, but they had four babies.


They knew that they were expecting a child, but now they realize that they were expecting four. Chris even joked that he was not coming back because there would be five babies the next time they had a sonogram.

It is very rare to have quintuplets and having spontaneous quintuplets births that are identical are even more rare. It is thought only happen about once out of every 15 million births.

It was possible that one of the little ones could have pulled nutrients away from the other babies. That would have required surgery but they were doing fine.

When she was 28.5 weeks, on March 15 she went into labor. It was slightly earlier than they had hoped but it was at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and she had a C-section.

Although the babies were born in about three minutes. They thought they looked like baby birds.

After a year, Jenny spoke up and said that all of the babies were crawling and would probably be walking within a month.

Jenny now has an Instagram account with over 140,000 followers. She shares glimpses into their lives, including how the quadruplets look now.


It such an amazing thing and we hope that they all do well. They certainly did get a good start in life.

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