Young Child Calls 911 For An ‘Emergency’ Math Problem

We try to teach our children right from wrong and we do what we can to make sure they are protected, even in difficult circumstances. One of the things that many of us teach our children is how to dial 911 in the event of an emergency.

911 has been a big help to many children who find themselves in trouble. Even young children, including the 4-year-old boy in this story can learn how to call it and do so when times get tough.

In fact, many parents consider teaching their children about dialing 911 to be an important and essential part of raising children. It’s a lesson we hope they will never have to use, but if they are in a pinch, at least they will know what to do.

Then we have little Johnny, who was four years old and decided he was having an emergency situation. He dialed 911, not because his wife was in danger but because he couldn’t figure out his math homework.

Admittedly, a 4-year-old child would think that math homework was an emergency. After all, a child wouldn’t want to get in trouble or fall behind in this important part in life.

When Johnny called the 911 operator and told her what was wrong, she listened to him patiently and helped him to figure out the subtraction problem. She knew that Johnny was having a crisis, even if it was a crisis that was only in his own mind.

As Johnny was talking to the operator, his mother walked in and asked who he was talking to. He told her that he called the police because she taught him that he should do so when he needed help.

When the mother realized what was happening, she quickly told him that he wasn’t supposed to call the police to get homework help. That is when the conversation came to a quick end.

Children have a way of putting a smile on our faces, and this child has done it for many people, thanks to the Internet.

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