The Hidden Meaning Behind Emoji Heart Colors

One of the most important things for any human is having the ability to communicate. It allows us to forge relationships and grow those relationships in amazing ways.

If you stop to think about it, the way we communicate has changed over the years. A century ago, we would take the time to have long conversations but today, we tend to talk in short spurts, if that.

Another way that we communicate is through social media. This includes writing a sentence or two and then attaching an emoji to help them know how we feel.

Many of those emojis are hearts, but did you know that each color has a different meaning? Here they are so you can really express yourself in a meaningful way:

Red: This is a traditional color that could stand for romantic love. It is also used to express a feeling of gratitude or just to let someone know you care. If you are looking for a heart to use, you can always go right with red.

Yellow: If you want to let someone know you love them as a friend but not in a romantic way, then yellow is a good choice. Use this for your friends and family.

Orange: When you want to send someone a romantic red heart but you don’t have the nerve to do it, then orange is a good choice.

Blue: Do you have a friend that knows you inside out? A blue heart really shows that you have a deep relationship going.

Purple: Don’t use this heart without understanding the meaning. If you use it with someone who understands the colors, you might just be getting a visit for some love.

White: Most people are not familiar with the white heart but it is used to express sympathy. You should never use it with racial implications.

Brown: The brown heart is used by people who have brown or black skin. If you have white skin, stick with the red heart.

Black: Finally, we have the black heart. This is a type of red heart but it is used to express a much deeper connection. Use it with someone special but never a new relationship.

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