Steve From Blue’s Clues Hits TikTok With All The Feels After Disturbing Allegations

Steve Burns is someone who really helped to shape a generation. He is the Steve that you know from Blue’s Clues, and he has been a friend to many children for decades.

Steve was on the show as a friend of the dog Blue for six years and almost 100 episodes. He became a part of the life of children around the world and he continues to have an impact on them that is easy to see.

With the release of the series, Quiet Onset: the Dark Side of Kids TV, many people were shocked to learn about how adults acted behind the scenes when the young stars were around. This includes allegations of sexual abuse from some of the individuals who cared for children during that time.

This was not only bringing the truth to the fore, there were many people who trusted those individuals in their own lives and were surprised to learn of such inappropriate behavior. Many voiced their opinion about being uncomfortable with the documentary, as they remembered the people and sketches that were mentioned.

Fortunately, Burns wasn’t mentioned in the series but he decided it was time to check in with people in TikTok. He did so in a rather interesting video, saying that he was just checking in and asking you to tell him what’s going on.


Many of the fans were surprised with how much they needed this personal check-in from the star. It’s amazing how much he means to so many.

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