Simple Math Problem Is Causing Quite A Stir Online

When you were in school, what was your favorite subject? Some people seemed to gravitate toward social studies, others toward science. There was one particular class, however, that seemed to divide people and some of them loved being in the class and others hated it. I’m talking about math and if you happen to be somebody who enjoyed the subject, you’re going to love what this post has to offer.

Sometimes, something seems very simple in life but when you look behind the scenes, you begin to realize that it isn’t all that simple after all. For example, think of the math equation, 8 ÷ 2 (2+2). It seems like such a straightforward question but the Internet is divided over the solution. Once it hit Twitter, it seemed to take it by storm and it has gone viral for every reason that math lovers will appreciate.


First of all, what answer did you get? Most people are either going to get 1 or 16. The actual answer to the question is quite surprising to most people.












Believe it or not, it has to do with the way you solve it. More than likely, you remember the PEMDAS method, which includes parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Then again, you may have grown up with the BODMAS method, which is brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.

In other words, both answers are correct! If you are a millennial, you probably got the answer of 1. If you’re an old-timer, you got 16.








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