New Yorkers Tear Up As Empire State Building Lights Up With A James Earl Jones Tribute

It’s difficult to believe that James Earl Jones has passed away. He died at the age of 93 on September 9, and the world will be mourning his death for many years to come.

James Earl Jones was an interesting individual. He entertained us for many years, not only with his voice but with his excellent acting abilities as well. He had a level of talent that many individuals were unable to reach. In fact, he won a Grammy, Tony, Emmy, and Oscar.


It was in 1964 that James Earl Jones first made his debut in Dr. Strangelove. He continued on Broadway as well as in movies for years to come.

One of his most notable roles was in the 1970s when he played the voice of Darth Vader. Who could forget him telling Luke Skywalker, “I am your father.”

People everywhere were sharing their memories of James as well as sharing their condolences on social media. There is one particular location, however, who did it right.

In New York City, the Instagram account for the Empire State Building shared an image of the building as it was lit up with Darth Vader. It’s almost hard not to hear the Imperial March when watching it happen.


As you can imagine, there were many people who got emotional after seeing this in person and many more when seeing it on social media.

We will miss James Earl Jones and his impressive talents. May he rest in peace.

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