Only A Genius Can Spot The Different Chicken In 8 Seconds

From the time we are young, our IQ is a number that we use to measure our level of intelligence. It is not only for us, but for everyone, and taking an IQ test can certainly let you know if you are intelligent or not.

Of course, not everybody takes tests in the same way and some people tend to struggle when it comes to this type of pressure. That is why we are providing you with the following test, because it is fun but it still can help you to gauge your intelligence.

The problem is quite simple. There are a number of chickens in the picture but one of them is different than the others. Are you able to spot the difference?

This may take you a little bit of time so to make things more interesting, we are only giving you 30 seconds to figure out which chicken is different from the others. It is something that you can’t practice for and if you can get it quickly, it may just mean that you have bragging rights.

In fact, some people are saying that if you can find the chicken within 30 seconds that is different from the others, you may just be a genius on the same level as Einstein. Imagine having that as a bragging platform!

Now that you had an opportunity to resolve the picture for yourself, we are going to provide you with the solution. Just make sure that you have given it a fair shot, because once you see the answer, you can’t stop seeing it.

How did you do?

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