Michael J. Fox Takes The Stage With Coldplay For 2 Epic Songs

There have been a lot of interesting movie moments over the years but one many people remember is when Michael J Fox stood on the stage in Back to the Future with his guitar and played Johnny B Goode. What many people don’t realize is the fact that he actually plays the guitar.

A large audience in Glastonbury, England, learned firsthand just how good of a guitar player Michael J Fox was when he stepped up onto the stage and played with Coldplay. He played two songs with them during the concert and the fans were thrilled.

Chris Martin, who is not only the frontman for the band but also a big fan of Michael J Fox gave the surprise to the audience on June 29. He had an improvised song when he introduced Fox to the stage.


Martin said: “With his Chuck Berry riff and the way he punched Biff: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Michael J. Fox.”


Fox was on the stage for two different songs, Humankind and Fix You. At that point, Chris opened up about the reason why Coldplay formed and how Fox had a lot to do with it.

“The main reason we’re in a band is because of Back to the Future,” he shared. “So thank you to Michael, our hero.”

According to some footage that was shared, Michael was playing the songs well along with lead guitarist, Jonny Buckland

In case you feel as if you’ve heard this before, it wasn’t the first time that he played with Coldplay. They were on hand for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research fundraiser in 2013 and re-created the Johnny B Goode scene from Back to the Future in 2016.

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