How Many Eggs Are Left? 99% Will Fail!

Discover how many eggs are left after breaking, frying, and eating in this easy-to-follow breakdown of a common egg puzzle.

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You began with 6 eggs.

You broke 2 eggs.

You fried 2 eggs (these could be the ones you broke or different eggs).

You ate 2 eggs (again, these could be the ones you fried or different eggs).

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Let’s break it down further:

You broke 2 eggs, leaving you with 4 unbroken eggs.

You fried 2 eggs. If they were the same eggs you broke, you still have 4 eggs (with 2 now cooked). If they were different eggs, you still have 4 eggs, but 2 are cooked.

You ate 2 eggs. If you ate the ones you fried, you now have 2 eggs left. If the eggs you ate were different, you have 4 eggs remaining (2 cooked, 2 uncooked).

In conclusion:

If you fried and ate the same eggs, you’re left with 2 eggs. If you fried and ate different eggs, you still have 4 eggs. So, the final count depends on whether you fried and ate the same or different eggs.

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